Making Data Analysis Easier

Workshop Organised by the Monash Business Analytics Team (WOMBAT)

Feb 18-19, 2016 at the Melbourne Zoo


Thursday Feb 18
9:00-9:15 Zoo entry, find Bong Su room
Opening session (Chair: Rob Hyndman)
9:20-9:30 Colm Kearney Introductory remarks by the Monash Business School Dean
9:30-10:30 Keynote: Hadley Wickham EDA = visualise + manipulate + model video link
10:30-10:45 Morning tea
Invited talks (Chair: Di Cook)
10:45-11:15 Heike Hofmann "Clusters beat trend!? Testing feature hierarchy in statistical graphics" slides
11:15-11:45 Eugene Dubossarsky "raptR: Rapid and pretty things in R" code
11:45-1:00 Lunch (Orangutans at 12:00, Gorillas at 12:30)
Invited talks (Chair: Nathaniel Tomasetti)
1:00-1:30 Carson Sievert "Interactive web graphics made easy" slides
1:30-2:00 Phil Brierley "Real Data - Real Issues: What they never told me at Uni" slides
2:00-2:30 Elle Saber "Dousing forest fires with random forests in R" slides
2:30-3:00 Thomas Lumley "Domesticating survey analysis" slides
3:00-3:15 Afternoon tea
Contributed talks (Chair: Behrooz Hassani-Mahmooei)
3:15-3:35 Anders Gonçalves da Silva "From genomes to clinical outcomes: empowering clinicians and public health officers with rapid and accessible analysis of microbial genomic data"
3:35-3:55 Andrew Jennings "Mutant Millenials are mostly multi-modal on Mondays" slides
3:55-4:15 Klaus Ackerman "Economics of technology - A trillion observations to infer social-economic behaviour" slides
4:15-5:00 Free zoo time
Friday Feb 19
9:00-9:15 Zoo entry, find Bong Su room
Invited talks (Chair: Anastasios Panagiotelis)
9:15-9:45 Rob Hyndman "Making forecasting easier" slides
9:45-10:15 Zoé van Havre "Simple tools for complex problems: making molehills out of mountains" slides
[source files]
10:15-10:45 Geoff Webb "Scaling log-linear analysis to datasets with thousands of variables" slides
10:45-11:00 Morning tea
Contributed talks (Chair: Julia Polak)
11:00-11:20 Barret Schloerke "GraphQL: An R server implementation" slides
11:20-11:40 Christoph Bergmeir "Continuous global optimization in R" slides
11:40-12:00 Amy Cook How to get the most out of your time slides
12:00-12:20 Nicholas Tierney "Be a Hawk not a Turkey: How a bird's eye view of your data can streamline data analysis" slides
12:20-12:40 Richard Beare "Image-based measurement" slides
12:40-1:45 Lunch
Invited talks (Chair: Simon Angus)
1:45-2:15 Andrew Robinson "The joy of text" slides
2:15-2:45 Yanchang Zhao "Twitter data analysis with R" slides
2:45-3:15 Di Cook "Really? Using the nullabor package to learn if what we see is really there." slides
3:15-3:30 Afternoon tea
3:30-5:00 Free zoo time
7:00- Twilight music (Optional - a few tickets still available)

Annotated Zoo Map


Data Science Melbourne will host a meetup featuring Hadley Wickham in the evening of Mon Feb 22, 2016.

Last modified: Sat Feb 20 10:52:40 AEDT 2016