Chapter 10 Is what you see really there?

10.1 Revisiting hypothesis testing

head <- '<img src="images/Australian_Fifty_Cents_Obv.jpg" height = "50px" style="vertical-align:middle;">'
tail <- '<img src="images/Australian_50c_Coin.png" height = "50px" style="vertical-align:middle;">'

10.1.1 Testing coin bias

  • Suppose I have a coin that I’m going to flip
  • If the coin is unbiased, what is the probability it will show heads?
  • Yup, the probability should be 0.5.
  • So how would I test if a coin is biased or unbiased?
  • We’ll collect some data.
  • Experiment 1: I flipped the coin 10 times and this is the result:
samp10 <- sample(rep(c(head, tail), c(7, 3)))
cat(paste0(samp10, collapse = ""))

* The result is 7 head and 3 tails. So 70% are heads. * Do you believe the coin is biased based on this data? * Experiment 2: Suppose now I flip the coin 100 times and this is the outcome:

samp100 <- sample(rep(c(head, tail), c(70, 30)))
cat(paste0(samp100, collapse = ""))

* We observe 70 heads and 30 tails. So again 70% are heads. * Based on this data, do you think the coin is biased?

10.2 (Frequentist) hypotheses testing framework

  • Suppose \(X\) is the number of heads out of \(n\) independent tosses.
  • Let \(p\) be the probability of getting a head for this coin.
Hypotheses \(H_0: p = 0.5\) vs. \(H_1: p \neq 0.5\)
Assumptions Each toss is independent with equal chance of getting a head.
Test statistic \(X \sim B(n, p)\). Recall \(E(X) = np\).
The observed test statistic is denoted \(x\).
.font_small[(or critical value or confidence interval)]
\(P(\mid X - np\mid \geq \mid x - np\mid )\)
Conclusion Reject null hypothesis when the \(p\)-value is less than
some significance level \(\alpha\). Usually \(\alpha = 0.05\).
  • The p-value for experiment 1 is \(P(|X - 5| \geq 2) \approx 0.34\).
  • The p-value for experiment 2 is \(P(|X - 50| \geq 20) \approx 0.00008\).

10.3 Judicial system



  • Evidence by test statistic
  • Judgement by p-value, critical value or confidence interval
  • Does the test statistic have to be a numerical summary statistics?

10.4 Visual inference

  • Hypothesis testing in visual inference framework is where:
    • the test statistic is a plot and
    • judgement is by human perceptions.

A residual plot after modelling high-density lipoprotein in human blood.

samples <- read_csv(here::here("data/HDLsamples.csv"))
## ── Column specification ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## cols(
##   HDL = col_double(),
##   cholesterol = col_double(),
##   trigylceride = col_double(),
##   SPB = col_double()
## )
fit <- lm(HDL ~ cholesterol + trigylceride + SPB, data = samples)
df <- augment(fit)
ggplot(df, aes(.fitted, .std.resid)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") +
  labs(x = "Fitted values", y = "Studentised residuals")

  • You (and many other people) actually do visual inference many times but generally in an informal fashion.

  • Here, we are making an inference on whether the residual plot has any patterns based on a single data plot.

  • Data plots tend to be over-interpreted

  • Reading data plots require calibration

10.5 Visual inference more formally

  1. State your null and alternate hypotheses.

  2. Define a visual test statistic, \(V(.)\), i.e. a function of a sample to a plot.

  3. Define a null generating method to generate null data, \(\boldsymbol{y}_0\).

  4. \(V(\boldsymbol{y})\) maps the actual data, \(\boldsymbol{y}\), to the plot. We call this the data plot.

  5. \(V(\boldsymbol{y}_0)\) maps a null data to a plot of the same form. We call this the null plot. We repeat this \(m - 1\) times to generate \(m-1\) null plots.

  6. A lineup displays these \(m\) plots in a random order.

  7. Ask \(n\) human viewers to select a plot in the lineup that looks different to others without any context given.

  8. State your null and alternate hypotheses.

  9. Define a visual test statistic, \(V(.)\), i.e. a function of a sample to a plot.

  10. Define a null generating method to generate null data, \(\boldsymbol{y}_0\).

  11. \(V(\boldsymbol{y})\) maps the actual data, \(\boldsymbol{y}\), to the plot. We call this the .monash-blue[data plot].

  12. \(V(\boldsymbol{y}_0)\) maps a null data to a plot of the same form. We call this the .monash-blue[null plot]. We repeat this \(m - 1\) times to generate \(m-1\) null plots.

  13. A .monash-blue[lineup] displays these \(m\) plots in a random order.

  14. Ask \(n\) human viewers to select a plot in the lineup that looks different to others without any context given.

Suppose \(x\) out of \(n\) people correctly identified the data plot from a lineup, then * the visual inference p-value is given as \[P(X \geq x)\] where \(X \sim B(n, 1/m)\), and * the .monash-blue[power of a lineup] is estimated as \(x/n\).

10.6 Uniformity trial of peanuts

ggplot(bancroft.peanut.uniformity, aes(factor(col), factor(row), fill = yield)) + 
  geom_tile(color = "black", size = 2) + 
  facet_wrap(~block) +
  scale_fill_continuous_sequential(palette = "YlGn") +
  labs(x = "Column", y = "Row", fill = "Yield")

ggplot(bancroft.peanut.uniformity, aes(yield)) + 
  geom_histogram() + 
  facet_wrap(~block) +
  labs(x = "Yield")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

  • Same peanut variety planted in Alabama field in two blocks of rectangular array of 18 rows by 6 plots.
  • The yield (in pounds) is measured.
  • Are the yields from the two blocks similar?
bancroft.peanut.uniformity %>% 
  group_by(block) %>% 
  summarise(Mean = mean(yield), SD = sd(yield)) %>% 
  knitr::kable(col.names = c("Block", "Mean", "Std. Dev"),
              digits = 3) 
Block Mean Std. Dev
B1 2.458 0.392
B2 2.049 0.422
     t.test(yield[block=="B1"], yield[block=="B2"]))
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  yield[block == "B1"] and yield[block == "B2"]
## t = 7.3979, df = 212.85, p-value = 3.149e-12
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.3004162 0.5186579
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  2.458148  2.048611
  1. \(H_0: \mu_1 = \mu_1 \quad \text{ vs. } \quad H_1: \mu_1 \neq \mu_2\) where \(\mu_1\) and \(\mu_2\) are yield means of block 1 and 2, respectively.
  2. We choose our visual test statistic \(V_1\) as a side-by-side boxplots of yield by block.
  3. We generate the null data from \(N(\bar{y}, s^2)\) where \(\bar{y}\) and \(s\) are the sample mean and sample standard deviation of the yields.
method <- null_dist("yield", dist = "norm", 
                    params = list(mean = mean(bancroft.peanut.uniformity$yield),
                                  sd = sd(bancroft.peanut.uniformity$yield)))
lineup1 <- lineup(method, true = bancroft.peanut.uniformity, n = 10)
## decrypt("bhMq KJPJ 62 sSQ6P6S2 um")
lineup1 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(block, yield)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  facet_wrap(~.sample, nrow = 2) +
  theme(axis.text = element_blank(),
        axis.title = element_blank())

# decrypt("bhMq KJPJ 62 sSQ6P6S2 um")
# kyuu
  • So    \(x\)    out of    \(n\)    of you chose the data plot.
  • So the visual inference p-value is \(P(X \geq x)\) where \(X \sim B(n, 1/10)\).
  • In R, this is
1 - pbinom(x - 1, n, 1/10) 
# OR 
nullabor::pvisual(x, n, 10)
  • The power of the lineup is given as
# OR (need to use development one)
# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("dicook/nullabor")
tibble(pic_id = 1, id = 1:n, 
           response = 1, # dummy responses
           detected = rep(c(0, 1), c(x, n - x))) %>% 

What about if we change the visual test statistic?

lineup2 <- lineup1 %>% 
  mutate(.sample2 = factor(.sample, labels = sample(1:10)),
         .sample2 = factor(.sample2, levels = 1:10))

ggplot(lineup2, aes(block, yield)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~.sample2, nrow = 2) +
  theme(axis.text = element_blank(),
        axis.title = element_blank())

# lineup2 %>% filter(.sample==9)
# yon

What about this one?

lineup3 <- lineup1 %>% 
  mutate(.sample2 = factor(.sample, labels = sample(1:10)),
         .sample2 = factor(.sample2, levels = 1:10))

ggplot(lineup3, aes(block, yield)) +
  geom_jitter() +
  facet_wrap(~.sample2, nrow = 2) +
  theme(axis.text = element_blank(),
        axis.title = element_blank())

# lineup3 %>% filter(.sample==9)
# san
  • For the scatter plot    \(x_2\)    out of    \(n_2\)    of you chose the data plot.
  • So the visual inference p-value is \(P(X_2 \geq x_2)\) where \(X_2 \sim B(n_2, 1/10)\).
  • For the jittered plot    \(x_3\)    out of    \(n_3\)    of you chose the data plot.
  • So the visual inference p-value is \(P(X_3 \geq x_3)\) where \(X_3 \sim B(n_3, 1/10)\). So the power difference is \(100\times \left|\dfrac{x_2}{n_2} - \dfrac{x_3}{n_3}\right|\%\).

What if we change the null generating method so that instead we permute the block labels?

method <- null_permute("block")
lineup_v2 <- lineup(method, true = bancroft.peanut.uniformity, n = 10)
## decrypt("bhMq KJPJ 62 sSQ6P6S2 u4")
ggplot(lineup_v2, aes(block, yield)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  facet_wrap(~.sample, nrow = 2) +
  theme(axis.text = element_blank(),
        axis.title = element_blank())

# decrypt("bhMq KJPJ 62 sSQ6P6S2 u4")
# nana

10.7 Statistical significance and practical significance

sim <- tibble(id = 1:10000000) %>% 
         mutate(y = c(rnorm(n()/2), rnorm(n()/2, 0.001)),
                group = rep(c("A", "B"), each = n()/2))
with(sim, mean(y[group=="A"]) - mean(y[group=="B"]))
## [1] -0.001443504
with(sim, t.test(y[group=="A"], y[group=="B"]))
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  y[group == "A"] and y[group == "B"]
## t = -2.2819, df = 1e+07, p-value = 0.0225
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.0026833804 -0.0002036271
## sample estimates:
##    mean of x    mean of y 
## 0.0001819234 0.0016254271
  • Notice here the real difference in the two groups is small (0.001) here.
  • The two groups have a slightly different but the true difference is small, you might not care.
  • The practical significance takes into account the effect size.

10.8 Statistical significance of the data plot

  • Unlike conventional hypothesis testing, visual inference p-value depends on:
    • the visual test statistic \(V\),
    • the individuals’ visual perceptions,
    • the number of \(K\) observers,
    • the size \(m\) of the lineup, and
    • the effect size.
  • The concept of conventional p-value is difficult for those that are not trained in statistics.
  • The lineup is easier to understand to both novices and experts.

10.9 Lineup of small effect difference

method <- null_permute("group")
# this takes too long with my computer
# let's just subset the data
lineup_v3 <- lineup(method, true = sample_n(sim, 10000), n = 10)
## decrypt("bhMq KJPJ 62 sSQ6P6S2 7Z")
ggplot(lineup_v3, aes(group, y)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  facet_wrap(~.sample, nrow = 2) +
  theme(axis.text = element_blank(),
        axis.title = element_blank())

# decrypt("bhMq KJPJ 62 sSQ6P6S2 7Z")
# jyuu

For computational reasons, only 10,000 data points for each plot are used above.

10.10 Some considerations in visual inference

  • In practice you don’t want to bias the judgement of the human viewers so for a proper visual inference:
    • you should not show the data plot before the lineup
    • you should not give the context of the data
    • you should remove labels in plots
  • You can crowd source these by paying for services like:
  • If the data is for research purposes, then you may need ethics approval for publication.

10.11 Visual inference with the nullabor 📦 nullabor + ggplot2

  • You can construct the null data “by hand” as you have done for Exercise 4 (d) in tutorial 9.
  • You will then need to create null plots and then randomly place the data plot to present the lineup.
  • You’ll need to know which one is the data plot so you can tell if viewer’s chose the lineup or not.
  • The nullabor package makes it easy to create the data for the lineup and you can use ggplot2 to construct the lineup.

  • Experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of sulfur on controlling scab disease in potatoes.
  • There were seven treatments in total: control plus spring and fall application of 300, 600 or 1200 lbs/acres of sulfur.
  • Employs a completely randomised design with 8 replications for control and 4 replications for other treatments.

10.12 Potato scab infection

  • We are testing \(H_0: \mu_1 = \mu_2 = ... = \mu_7\) vs. \(H_1:\) at least one mean is different to others.
  • Here we don’t have to many observation per treatment so we can use a dotplot.
  • For the method to generate null, we consider permuting the treatment labels.
method <- null_permute("trt")
  • Then we generate the null data, also embedding the actual data in a random position. .font_small[Make sure to set.seed to get the same random instance.]
line_df <- lineup(method, true = cochran.crd, n = 10)
## decrypt("bhMq KJPJ 62 sSQ6P6S2 ua")
## Rows: 320
## Columns: 5
## $ inf     <int> 9, 12, 18, 10, 24, 17, 30, 16, 10, 7, 4, 10, 21, 24, 29, 12,…
## $ trt     <fct> S3, F12, S3, F3, O, F3, F12, O, S12, F6, O, F6, S3, F3, O, F…
## $ row     <int> 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, …
## $ col     <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, …
## $ .sample <dbl> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, …
  • The .sample variable has information of which sample it is.
  • One of the .sample number belongs to the real data.
line_df %>% 
  ggplot(aes(trt, inf)) +
  geom_point(size = 3, alpha = 1/2) + 
  facet_wrap(~.sample, nrow = 2) +
  theme(axis.text = element_blank(), # remove data context
        axis.title = element_blank())
decrypt("bhMq KJPJ 62 sSQ6P6S2 ua")
## [1] "True data in position  5"

10.13 Black Cherry Trees

  • Data measures the diameter, height and volume of timber in 31 felled black cherry trees.
  • We fit the model
fit <- lm(log(Volume) ~ log(Girth) + log(Height),
          data = trees)

fit_df <- trees %>% 
  # below are needed for lineup
  mutate(.resid = residuals(fit),
         .fitted = fitted(fit))
  • We are testing \(H_0:\) errors are \(NID(0, \sigma^2)\) vs. \(H_1:\) errors are not \(NID(0, \sigma^2)\).
  • We will use the residual plot as the visual statistic.
  • For the method to generate null, we generate residuals from random draws from \(N(0, \hat{\sigma}^2)\).
method <- null_lm(log(Volume) ~ log(Girth) + log(Height),
                  method = "pboot")
  • Then we generate the lineup data.
line_df <- lineup(method, true = fit_df, n = 10)
## decrypt("bhMq KJPJ 62 sSQ6P6S2 uT")

  • We can have:
    • method = "pboot",
    • method = "boot" or
    • method = "rotate"
      for different (and valid) methods to generate null data when fitting a linear model.
method <- null_lm(log(Volume) ~ log(Girth) + log(Height),
                  method = "boot") #<<
  • We can also consider using a different visual statisitc, e.g. QQ-plot to assess normality.

10.14 Temperatures of stars

  • The data consists of the surface temperature in Kelvin degrees of 96 stars.
  • We want to check if the surface temperature has an exponential distribution.
  • We use histogram with 30 bins as our visual test statistic.
  • For the null data, we will generate from an exponential distribution.
line_df <- lineup(null_dist("temp", "exp", list(rate = 1/mean(dslabs::stars$temp))),
                  true = dslabs::stars,
                  n = 10)
## decrypt("bhMq KJPJ 62 sSQ6P6S2 ug")
  • Note: the rate in an exponential distribution can be estimated from the inverse of the sample mean.
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

10.15 Foreign exchange rate

  • The data contains the daily exchange rate of 1 AUD to 1 USD between 9th Jan 2018 to 21st Feb 2018.
  • Does the rate follow an ARIMA model?
data(aud, package = "nullabor")
line_df <- lineup(null_ts("rate", forecast::auto.arima), true = aud, n = 10)
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
##   method            from
## zoo
## decrypt("bhMq KJPJ 62 sSQ6P6S2 um")
ggplot(line_df, aes(date, rate)) +
  geom_line() + 
  facet_wrap(~ .sample, scales = "free_y", nrow = 2) +
  theme(axis.title = element_blank(),
        axis.text = element_blank())