• CITATION revised to satisfy CRAN check
  • And URLs in vignettes change to DOI because the DOI URL is apparently not valid according to the automated checks
  • URLs in DESCRIPTION, CITATION, vignettes were causing an error on CRAN checks!
  • removed dependency on reshape2
  • adjusting other dependencies
  • new theme to remove context from plots
  • updated roxygen dependency
  • CRAN fixes, minor code changes
  • CRAN fixes, minor code changes
  • Bug fixes, minor
  • Added a sample size calculator
  • Added time series null generating mechanism
  • Fixed a bug in the residual generating mechanism reported by Jan Vanhove
  • Changed the encrypt/decrypt to have 2 digits
  • Using dplyr and purrr for making lineups now thanks to Stuart Lee
  • Fix from Jenny Bryan on tidyverse
  • CITATION file added
  • vignettes update