New tools for visualising high-dimensional data using linear projections

Dianne Cook
Econometrics and Business Statistics
Monash University

You can’t see beyond 3D!

You can’t see beyond 3D!

We are going to see that we can gain intuition for structure in high dimensions through visualisation

The greatest value of a data plot is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see. ~Adapted from a Tukey quote.

It doesn’t mean that it’s easy. It doesn’t mean that visualisation is used alone. It means that (high-dimensional) visualisation is an important part of your toolbox, especially to allow discovery of what we don’t know.


  • Using a tour to see into high dimensions
  • Algorithms in the tourr package
  • New developments in recent years
  • Examples of usage
  • Future research directions
  • Other talks at this conference

High-dimensional visualisation

Shadow puppet photo where shadow looks like a bird flying.

Tours of high-dimensional data are like examining the shadows (projections)

(and slices/sections to see through a shadow)

High-dimensions in statistics

Increasing dimension adds an additional orthogonal axis.

If you want more high-dimensional shapes there is an R package, geozoo, which will generate cubes, spheres, simplices, mobius strips, torii, boy surface, klein bottles, cones, various polytopes, …

And read or watch Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions (1884) Edwin Abbott.



Xn×p=[X1X2Xp]n×p=[x11x12x1px21x22x2pxn1xn2xnp]n×p\begin{eqnarray*} X_{~n\times p} = [X_{~1}~X_{~2}~\dots~X_{~p}]_{~n\times p} = \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} x_{~11} & x_{~12} & \dots & x_{~1p} \\ x_{~21} & x_{~22} & \dots & x_{~2p}\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ x_{~n1} & x_{~n2} & \dots & x_{~np} \end{array} \right]_{~n\times p} \end{eqnarray*}



Ap×d=[a11a12a1da21a22a2dap1ap2apd]p×d\begin{eqnarray*} A_{~p\times d} = \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} a_{~11} & a_{~12} & \dots & a_{~1d} \\ a_{~21} & a_{~22} & \dots & a_{~2d}\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ a_{~p1} & a_{~p2} & \dots & a_{~pd} \end{array} \right]_{~p\times d} \end{eqnarray*}


Projected data

Yn×d=XA=[y11y12y1dy21y22y2dyn1yn2ynd]n×d\begin{eqnarray*} Y_{~n\times d} = XA = \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} y_{~11} & y_{~12} & \dots & y_{~1d} \\ y_{~21} & y_{~22} & \dots & y_{~2d}\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ y_{~n1} & y_{~n2} & \dots & y_{~nd} \end{array} \right]_{~n\times d} \end{eqnarray*}

High-dimensional visualisation

1D tour of 2D data. Data has two clusters, we see bimodal density in some 1D projections.

Data is 2D: p=2~~p=2

Projection is 1D: d=1~~d=1

A2×1=[a11a21]2×1\begin{eqnarray*} A_{~2\times 1} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} a_{~11} \\ a_{~21}\\ \end{array} \right]_{~2\times 1} \end{eqnarray*}

Notice that the values of AA change between (-1, 1). All possible values being shown during the tour.

A=[10]A=[0.70.7]A=[0.70.7]\begin{eqnarray*} A = \left[ \begin{array}{c} 1 \\ 0\\ \end{array} \right] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A = \left[ \begin{array}{c} 0.7 \\ 0.7\\ \end{array} \right] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A = \left[ \begin{array}{c} 0.7 \\ -0.7\\ \end{array} \right] \end{eqnarray*}

watching the 1D shadows we can see:

  • unimodality
  • bimodality, there are two clusters.

What does the 2D data look like? Can you sketch it?

High-dimensional visualisation

Scatterplot showing the 2D data having two clusters.

The 2D data

2D two cluster data with lines marking particular 1D projections, with small plots showing the corresponding 1D density.

High-dimensional visualisation

Grand tour showing points on the surface of a 3D torus.

Data is 3D: p=3p=3

Projection is 2D: d=2d=2

A3×2=[a11a12a21a22a31a32]3×2\begin{eqnarray*} A_{~3\times 2} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} a_{~11} & a_{~12} \\ a_{~21} & a_{~22}\\ a_{~31} & a_{~32}\\ \end{array} \right]_{~3\times 2} \end{eqnarray*}

Notice that the values of AA change between (-1, 1). All possible values being shown during the tour.


  • circular shapes
  • some transparency, reveals middle
  • hole in in some projections
  • no clustering

High-dimensional visualisation

Grand tour showing the 4D penguins data. Two clusters are easily seen, and a third is plausible.

Data is 4D: p=4p=4

Projection is 2D: d=2d=2

A4×2=[a11a12a21a22a31a32a41a42]4×2\begin{eqnarray*} A_{~4\times 2} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} a_{~11} & a_{~12} \\ a_{~21} & a_{~22}\\ a_{~31} & a_{~32}\\ a_{~41} & a_{~42}\\ \end{array} \right]_{~4\times 2} \end{eqnarray*}

How many clusters do you see?

  • three, right?
  • one separated, and two very close,
  • and they each have an elliptical shape.
  • do you also see an outlier or two?

Early tour algorithms

1D paths in 3D space

2D paths in 3D space

Early tour algorithms

Grand tour: see from all sides

Guided tour: Steer towards the most interesting features.

Why? (Three cluster data)

Avoid being a blind man inspecting the elephant

Principal component analysis

Principal component biplot of the penguins data.

NLDR: t-Stochastic neighbourhood embedding

Dimension reduction with t-SNE on the penguins data shown as a scatterplot.

Algorithms in the tourr package


  • choice of target planes
    • grand: random
    • guided: objective function
    • local: nearby
    • little: marginals
    • manual/radial: specific variable
  • interpolation between them
    • geodesic: plane to plane
    • Givens: frame/basis to frame/basis


How should you plot your projected data?

  • 1D: density, dotplot, histogram
  • 2D: scatterplot, density2D, sage, pca, slice
  • 3D: stereo
  • kD: parallel coordinates, scatterplot matrix
  • 1D+spatial: image

The packages detourr and liminal take the path produced by tourr functions.

Recent developments

  • interactivity: detourr, liminal, langevitour
  • slice/section: explore shape of models
  • manual/radial tour: explore sensitivity of structure to particular variables
  • sage: correct for piling
  • Givens interpolation: frame to frame


Utilise distance from the projection plane to make the slice, and shift centre of projection plane.

Sage transformation (1/2)

Increase variables, increase concentration, possibly obscuring important structure.

Sage transformation (2/2)

Transformation expands the centre to make a sage display.

Givens (1/2)

Givens (2/2)


Givens interpolation ends at requested frame, but geodesic interpolation arrives at the plane, is frame-agnostic, and that is problematic for optimisation using the guided tour.

Interactivity: exploration

If you want to discover and mark the clusters you see, you can use the detourr package to spin and brush points. Here’s a live demo. Hopefully this works.

       tour_aes(projection = bl:bm)) |>
       tour_path(grand_tour(2), fps = 60, 
                 max_bases=40) |>
       show_scatter(alpha = 0.7, 
                    axes = FALSE, 
                    size = 2)


Interactivity: Compare cluster models

cl_w cl_mc
1 2 3
1 149 8 0
2 0 0 119
3 0 57 0

p_cl_shared <- SharedData$new(penguins_cl)

detour_plot <- detour(p_cl_shared, tour_aes(
  projection = bl:bm,
  colour = cl_w)) |>
                    max_bases=50, fps = 60) |>
       show_scatter(alpha = 0.7, axes = FALSE,
                    width = "100%", height = "450px")

conf_mat <- plot_ly(p_cl_shared, 
                    x = ~cl_mc_j,
                    y = ~cl_w_j,
                    color = ~cl_w,
                    colors = viridis_pal(option = "D")(3),
                    height = 450) |>
  highlight(on = "plotly_selected", 
              off = "plotly_doubleclick") %>%
    add_trace(type = "scatter", 
              mode = "markers")
     detour_plot, conf_mat,
     widths = c(5, 6)

Manual/radial tour

Best projection provided by the guided tour, separating three species.

Removing flipper length

Removing bill length

Slice tour (1/2)


Grand tour showing points on the surface of a 3D torus.


Slicetour showing points on the surface of a 3D torus.

Slice tour (2/2)

This is especially useful for exploring classification models, comparing boundaries produced by different models. (The same penguins data used here.)

Linear discriminant analysis

Classification tree

Model in the data space (1/2)

Data in the model space 1

Principal component biplot of the penguins data.

Model in the data space


p_pca_m <- pca_model(p_pca, s=2.2)
p_pca_m_d <- rbind(p_pca_m$points, penguins_sub[,1:4])
animate_xy(p_pca_m_d, edges=p_pca_m$edges,

Model in the data space (2/2)

Data in the model space

Dimension reduction with t-SNE on the penguins data shown as a scatterplot.

Model in the data space


See Jayani Lakshika’s talk, Fri 11am: IPS12

Hiding in high-d (1/2)

d <- tibble(x1=runif(200, -1, 1), 
            x2=runif(200, -1, 1), 
            x3=runif(200, -1, 1))
d <- d %>%
  mutate(x4 = x3 + runif(200, -0.1, 0.1))
d <- bind_rows(d, c(x1=0, x2=0, x3=-0.5, x4=0.5))

d_r <- d %>%
  mutate(x1 = cos(pi/6)*x1 + sin(pi/6)*x3,
         x3 = -sin(pi/6)*x1 + cos(pi/6)*x3,
         x2 = cos(pi/6)*x2 + sin(pi/6)*x4,
         x4 = -sin(pi/6)*x2 + cos(pi/6)*x4)

Hiding in high-d (2/2)

d <- tibble(x1=runif(200, -1, 1), 
            x2=runif(200, -1, 1), 
            x3=runif(200, -1, 1))
d <- d %>%
  mutate(x4 = x3 + runif(200, -0.1, 0.1))
d <- bind_rows(d, c(x1=0, x2=0, x3=-0.5, x4=0.5))

d_r <- d %>%
  mutate(x1 = cos(pi/6)*x1 + sin(pi/6)*x3,
         x3 = -sin(pi/6)*x1 + cos(pi/6)*x3,
         x2 = cos(pi/6)*x2 + sin(pi/6)*x4,
         x4 = -sin(pi/6)*x2 + cos(pi/6)*x4)

Future work, possible research

The tourr package provides the algorithm to generate the tour paths, and also create new tours, different displays.

  • Stopping, pausing, going back
  • Zooming in, focus on subsets
  • Linking between multiple displays

Elegant interactivity solutions with detourr, liminal, langevitour but need to be developed further.

  • Better integration with model objects
  • Specialist design for different models
  • Integrating other guidance, explainability metrics

High-d vis intellectually challenging, and fun!

Talks at this conference to learn more:

  • Fri 11am: IPS12: Visualising high-dimensional and complex data (Paul Harrison, Jayani Lakshika)
  • Fri 1:30pm: CPS09: Visualising Complex data & Anomaly Detection (Janith Wanniarachchi - XAI)

Please use these tools at home 😃

References and acknowledgements

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Clustering & tours

Model-based - 2D (1/3)

BIC values for a range of models and number of clusters for 2D data, alongside a plot of the data with the ellipses corresponding to the best model overlaid.
Table of model types

Model-based - 4D (2/3)

BIC values for a range of models and number of clusters.

Model-based (3/3) ~~Which fits the data better?

Best model: four-cluster VEE

Tour showing best cluster model according to model-based clustering.

Three-cluster EEE

Tour showing best three cluster model, which fits better than the best model.

Table of model types

Summarising clusters

Convex hulls are often used to summarise clusters in 2D. It is possible to view these in high-d, too.

Convex hulls around three clusters in 2D

Tour showing 4D convex hulls for three clusters.

Ward’s linkage hierarchical clustering