Making Data Analysis Easier

Workshop Organised by the Monash Business Analytics Team (WOMBAT)

Feb 18-19, 2016 at the Melbourne Zoo

** Detailed Programme **

Hadley Wickham
Chief Scientist, RStudio
Topic: EDA = visualise + manipulate + model

Wickham's work is focused on making data analysis easier for the community. He has been instrumental in changing the way we think about data analysis, and providing new tools for tidying, rearranging, summarising and plotting data. His R packages, tidyr, dplyr, ggplot2, ggvis, are open source and widely used.

Invited speakers

"Real Data - Real Issues: What they never told me at Uni" "Really? Using the nullabor package to learn if what we see is really there." "raptR: Rapid and Pretty Things in R" "Clusters beat trend!? Testing feature hierarchy in statistical graphics"
Phil Brierley, Voloridge Investment Management Di Cook, EBS, Monash University Eugene Dubossarsky, Presciient Heike Hofmann, Statistics, Iowa State University
"Making forecasting easier" "Domesticating survey analysis" "The Joy of Text" "Dousing forest fires with random forests in R"
Rob Hyndman, EBS, Monash University Thomas Lumley, Statistics, University of Auckland Andrew Robinson, CEBRA, University of Melbourne Elle Saber, Country Fire Authority
"Interactive web graphics made easy" "Simple tools for complex problems: making molehills out of mountains" "Scaling log-linear analysis to datasets with thousands of variables" "Twitter Data Analysis with R"
Carson Sievert, Statistics, Iowa State University Zoé van Havre, CSIRO Geoff Webb, FIT, Monash University Yanchang Zhao,


includes zoo entrance, lunch, morning and afternoon tea both days


Data Science Melbourne will host a meetup featuring Hadley Wickham in the evening of Mon Feb 22, 2016.