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This data was collated by Weihao (Patrick) Li as part of his Honours research at Monash University. It contains fire ignitions as detected from satellite hotspots, and processed using the spotoroo package, augmented with measurements on weather, vegetation, proximity to human activity. The cause variable is predicted based on historical fire ignition data collected by County Fire Authority personnel.


A dataset with 1021 rows and 60 columns


id, lon, lat, time

unique id, and spatiotemporal information for each fire ignition


vegetation variables

rf, arf7-arf720

average rainfall, on that day, and over last 7, ..., 720 days

se, ase7-ase720

solar exposure, on that day, and over last 7, ..., 720 days

maxt, amaxt7-amaxt720

max temperature, on that day, and over last 7, ..., 720 days

mint, amint7-amint720

min temperature, on that day, and over last 7, ..., 720 days

ws, aws_m0-aws_m24

average wind speed, on that day, and for last 1-24 months

dist_road, log_dist_road

distance to nearest road

dist_cfa, log_dist_cfa

distance to nearest county fire authority facility

dist_camp, log_dist_camp

distance to nearest camp site


predicted ignition cause, accident, arson, burning_off, lightning


#> Rows: 1,021
#> Columns: 60
#> $ id            <dbl> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 1…
#> $ lon           <dbl> 141.1300, 141.3000, 141.4800, 147.1600, 148.1050, 144.18…
#> $ lat           <dbl> -37.13000, -37.65000, -37.35000, -37.85000, -37.57999, -…
#> $ time          <date> 2019-10-01, 2019-10-01, 2019-10-02, 2019-10-02, 2019-10…
#> $ FOR_CODE      <dbl> 41, 41, 91, 44, 0, 44, 0, 102, 0, 91, 45, 41, 45, 45, 45…
#> $ FOR_TYPE      <chr> "Eucalypt Medium Woodland", "Eucalypt Medium Woodland", …
#> $ FOR_CAT       <chr> "Native forest", "Native forest", "Commercial plantation…
#> $ COVER         <dbl> 1, 1, 4, 2, 6, 2, 6, 5, 6, 4, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 6, 6, 6,…
#> $ HEIGHT        <dbl> 2, 2, 4, 2, 6, 2, 6, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 6, 6, 6,…
#> $ FOREST        <dbl> 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,…
#> $ rf            <dbl> 0.0, 0.0, 15.4, 4.8, 6.0, 11.6, 11.6, 0.6, 0.2, 0.6, 0.0…
#> $ arf7          <dbl> 5.0857143, 2.4000000, 2.4000000, 0.7142857, 0.8571429, 1…
#> $ arf14         <dbl> 2.8142857, 1.7428571, 1.8000000, 1.6714286, 1.5714286, 1…
#> $ arf28         <dbl> 1.9785714, 1.5357143, 1.5357143, 3.7857143, 1.9000000, 1…
#> $ arf60         <dbl> 2.3033333, 1.7966667, 1.7966667, 4.0000000, 2.5333333, 1…
#> $ arf90         <dbl> 1.2566667, 1.0150000, 1.0150000, 2.9600000, 2.1783333, 1…
#> $ arf180        <dbl> 0.9355556, 0.8444444, 0.8444444, 2.3588889, 1.7866667, 1…
#> $ arf360        <dbl> 1.3644444, 1.5255556, 1.5255556, 1.7272222, 1.4716667, 1…
#> $ arf720        <dbl> 1.3011111, 1.5213889, 1.5213889, 1.7111111, 1.5394444, 1…
#> $ se            <dbl> 3.8, 4.6, 14.2, 23.7, 23.8, 16.8, 18.0, 12.9, 14.7, 12.9…
#> $ ase7          <dbl> 18.02857, 18.50000, 21.41429, 23.08571, 23.11429, 22.014…
#> $ ase14         <dbl> 17.03571, 17.44286, 18.03571, 19.17143, 18.45714, 18.628…
#> $ ase28         <dbl> 19.32857, 18.47500, 19.33929, 18.23571, 16.86071, 19.375…
#> $ ase60         <dbl> 20.38644, 19.99153, 20.39492, 19.90847, 19.26780, 20.449…
#> $ ase90         <dbl> 22.54118, 21.93193, 22.04370, 20.59328, 20.04538, 21.809…
#> $ ase180        <dbl> 20.79106, 19.93966, 19.99385, 19.11006, 18.66760, 19.810…
#> $ ase360        <dbl> 15.55153, 14.83259, 14.87883, 14.69276, 14.44318, 14.755…
#> $ ase720        <dbl> 15.52350, 14.75049, 14.77427, 14.53463, 14.32656, 14.540…
#> $ maxt          <dbl> 21.3, 17.8, 15.4, 20.8, 19.8, 15.8, 19.5, 12.6, 18.8, 12…
#> $ amaxt7        <dbl> 22.38571, 20.44286, 22.21429, 24.21429, 23.14286, 21.671…
#> $ amaxt14       <dbl> 21.42857, 19.72857, 19.86429, 21.80000, 20.89286, 19.578…
#> $ amaxt28       <dbl> 20.71071, 19.10000, 19.18929, 19.75000, 19.05714, 18.885…
#> $ amaxt60       <dbl> 24.02667, 22.28000, 22.38667, 22.93167, 22.12000, 21.031…
#> $ amaxt90       <dbl> 27.07750, 25.77667, 25.89833, 24.93667, 23.93750, 23.164…
#> $ amaxt180      <dbl> 26.92000, 25.92722, 25.98500, 24.84056, 23.95389, 23.343…
#> $ amaxt360      <dbl> 21.55389, 20.79778, 20.81333, 20.21972, 19.99389, 19.505…
#> $ amaxt720      <dbl> 21.47750, 20.57222, 20.57694, 20.13153, 20.03875, 19.650…
#> $ mint          <dbl> 9.6, 9.0, 7.3, 7.7, 8.3, 8.3, 6.1, 5.9, 7.4, 5.9, 6.9, 7…
#> $ amint7        <dbl> 9.042857, 7.971429, 9.171429, 10.328571, 11.200000, 10.6…
#> $ amint14       <dbl> 9.928571, 9.235714, 9.421429, 10.007143, 10.900000, 10.7…
#> $ amint28       <dbl> 8.417857, 7.560714, 7.353571, 8.671429, 9.575000, 10.060…
#> $ amint60       <dbl> 11.156667, 9.903333, 9.971667, 10.971667, 11.975000, 12.…
#> $ amint90       <dbl> 11.96667, 10.81250, 10.87833, 12.49000, 13.46167, 13.638…
#> $ amint180      <dbl> 11.96778, 11.01056, 11.02000, 12.41944, 13.42500, 13.695…
#> $ amint360      <dbl> 9.130556, 8.459722, 8.448333, 9.588611, 10.456389, 11.03…
#> $ amint720      <dbl> 8.854861, 8.266250, 8.254028, 9.674861, 10.517083, 10.96…
#> $ dist_cfa      <dbl> 9442.206, 6322.438, 7957.374, 7790.785, 10692.055, 6054.…
#> $ dist_camp     <dbl> 50966.485, 6592.893, 31767.235, 8816.272, 15339.702, 941…
#> $ ws            <dbl> 1.263783, 1.263783, 1.456564, 5.424445, 4.219751, 4.1769…
#> $ aws_m0        <dbl> 2.644795, 2.644795, 2.644795, 5.008369, 3.947659, 5.2316…
#> $ aws_m1        <dbl> 2.559202, 2.559202, 2.559202, 5.229680, 4.027398, 4.9704…
#> $ aws_m3        <dbl> 2.446211, 2.446211, 2.446211, 5.386005, 3.708622, 5.3045…
#> $ aws_m6        <dbl> 2.144843, 2.144843, 2.144843, 5.132617, 3.389890, 5.0355…
#> $ aws_m12       <dbl> 2.545008, 2.545008, 2.548953, 5.045297, 3.698736, 5.2341…
#> $ aws_m24       <dbl> 2.580671, 2.580671, 2.584047, 5.081100, 3.745286, 5.2522…
#> $ dist_road     <dbl> 498.75145, 102.22032, 1217.22446, 281.69151, 215.56176, …
#> $ log_dist_cfa  <dbl> 9.152945, 8.751860, 8.981854, 8.960697, 9.277256, 8.7084…
#> $ log_dist_camp <dbl> 10.838924, 8.793748, 10.366191, 9.084354, 9.638200, 9.15…
#> $ log_dist_road <dbl> 6.212108, 4.627130, 7.104329, 5.640813, 5.373247, 5.0047…
#> $ cause         <chr> "lightning", "lightning", "lightning", "lightning", "lig…