class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Theme a shiny app ] .subtitle[ ## SISBID 2024
] .author[ ### Di Cook (
Heike Hofmann (
Susan Vanderplas (
) ] .date[ ### 08/14-16/2024 ] --- # Theming your Shiny App - `bslib` has many options available for theming and customizing your app <br/><br/> - We'll cover the easily available options here<br/><br/> - Exponentially more powerful with CSS and a bit of tinkering --- # Preset Themes .pull-left[ - Bootswatch provides preset themes - `bs_themer()` lets you choose interactively .center.large[`bs_themer.R`] ].pull-right[ .panelset.sideways[ .panel[.panel-name[default] ![](bs_themer.png) ] .panel[.panel-name[flatly] ![](bs_themer_flatly.png) ] .panel[.panel-name[darkly] ![](bs_themer_darkly.png) ] ] ] --- class: inverse middle # Your Turn Run the code in `bs_themer.R` and pick a theme you like. Get the console output corresponding to that theme and modify `bs_themed.R` to use your theme code. Hint: Use the `theme = ...` argument in one of the `page_xxx` functions.
--- # Customizing Your Navbar - You may want to add a logo to your title area - pictures should be placed in the `www/` folder .pull-left[ ``` r title = div( img(src = "wave.gif", width = "40px"), img(src = "globe.png", width = "40px"), "Hello World", style = "display: inline;"), ``` ].pull-right[ ![](title_image.png) ] --- # Adding Icons - You can add icons to your `nav_panels()` with the `icon` argument - [Bootstrap Icons]( - Match the version of Bootstrap your app uses .pull-left[ ``` r nav_panel( title = "Dashboard", body, icon = bs_icon("bar-chart", a11y = "deco") # marks icon as decorative for screen readers ), ``` ].pull-right[ ![](navbar-icon.png) ] --- class: inverse middle # Your Turn Customize the title and icons on the `nav_panels` in `title_customization.R`. Choose appropriate icons and decide if they are decorative or semantic.
--- # Change the width of the sidebar ``` r side <- sidebar( width = "20%", h2("Inputs"), sliderInput( "mpg", label = "MPG range", min = min(floor(mtcars$mpg), na.rm = T), max = max(ceiling(mtcars$mpg), na.rm = T), step = 1, value = range(mtcars$mpg)) ) ``` .panelset.sideways[ .panel[.panel-name[10%] ![](sidebar-10.png) ] .panel[.panel-name[20%] ![](sidebar-20.png) ] .panel[.panel-name[100px] ![](sidebar-100px.png) ] .panel[.panel-name[100px (small window)] ![](sidebar-100px-2.png) ] ] --- # Share and share alike <a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.