class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Building a shiny app ] .subtitle[ ## SISBID 2024
] .author[ ### Di Cook (
Heike Hofmann (
Susan Vanderplas (
) ] .date[ ### 08/14-16/2024 ] --- # Shiny Apps in R - `shiny` package developed and supported by RStudio (Winston Chang, Joe Cheng, JJ Allaire and others) - Resources for shiny: - [Gallery]( of great examples, - [Tutorials]( at different levels ``` r # Additional packages for Shiny install.packages(c("bsicons", "showtext", "ragg", "thematic")) remotes::install_github("rstudio/bslib") # Get the latest version ``` -- # Next five minutes - Create a new shiny app in RStudio - Run it - Stop it --- class: inverse middle # Create your first app - In RStudio, `File` menu, `New file`, `Shiny web app` to start a new app - The easiest start is the `Single file`, which will put both server and ui functions in the same file, `app.R` --- # Two main parts - What we see and interact with: <br/><br/> - user interface: layout with user input and (plot) output <br/><br/> - What is going on underneath: <br/><br/> - the server: glue between user input and output --- # A Minimal Example ``` r library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( ) server <- function(input, output, session) { } shinyApp(ui, server) ``` --- # A bit more fancy ``` r library(shiny) sidebar <- sidebarPanel(width = 3, "Fun inputs") main_col <- column(width = 9, "Some results") ui <- fluidPage( title = "App Title", sidebar, main_col) ) server <- function(input, output, session) { } shinyApp(ui, server) ``` --- # A bit more fancy ``` r library(shiny) sidebar <- sidebarPanel( width = 3, textInput("name", "Enter your name:", value = "Heike")) main_col <- column(width = 9, "Some results") ui <- fluidPage( title = "App Title", sidebar, main_col ) server <- function(input, output, session) { } shinyApp(ui, server) ``` --- # Shiny Inputs Shiny has many different input options, see the [widget gallery]( - `actionButton()` - creates a clickable button - `selectInput()` create a select list - `checkboxInput()` and `checkboxGroupInput()` - `dateInput()` - calendar to select a date - `dateRangeInput()` - select a range of dates - `fileInput()` - upload a file - `numericInput()` - input a numeric value - `radioButtons()` - select one or more items - `sliderInput()` - slide along a range of values - `textInput()` - input a string --- class: inverse # Your Turn In the shiny app below add a list of your favorite countries to the sidebar panel: ``` r library(shiny) sidebar <- sidebarPanel( width = 3, textInput("name", "Enter your name:", value = "Heike")) main_col <- column(width = 9, "Some results") ui <- fluidPage( title = "App Title", sidebar, main_col ) server <- function(input, output, session) { } shinyApp(ui, server) ```
--- # Adding Output - Output needs to be specified in two places: - in the `ui` function we need to create a placeholder to reserve space for the output - in the `server` function, we need to create the output. 1. `ui` functionality for output has typically the form `xxxOutput (outputID)` Output can be in form of tables, plots, text, ... 2. `server` funtionality has typically the form `renderXXX`, where `xxx` is a table, plot, text, etc. --- # Shiny Outputs Shiny also has a variety of different output options: - `renderDataTable()` - outputs an interactive, sortable data table - `htmlOutput()` - output html elements - `renderPlot()` - output an R plot - `renderPrint()` - output text from print() in R - `renderTable()` - output an HTML table - `renderText()` - output text from R - `renderUI()` - output a custom part of the user interface - `renderImage()` - print an image to the page --- # Adding a plot ``` r library(shiny) sidebar <- sidebarPanel( width = 3, selectInput("country", "Pick your favorite country:", choices = c("Australia", "United States", "Germany")) ) *main_col <- column( * width = 9, * plotOutput("scatter") *) ui <- fluidPage( title = "App Title", sidebar, main_col) ) server <- function(input, output, session) { * output$scatter <- renderPlot({ * mtcars %>% ggplot(aes(x = disp, y = mpg)) + * geom_point() + * ggtitle(input$country) }) } shinyApp(ui, server) ``` --- class: inverse middle # Your turn - Add an interactive plot of the TB data into your app. - Change the select box, so that the user can choose any country. Think of `unique(tb$country)` for defining the choices
--- # Deploy an app - Sign up for an account on []( - Authenticate your account - You may need to do some setup in your session, e.g. install the library `rsconnect` --- # Resources - [RStudio Tutorial]( - [Deploy your app for others to use]( - [Shiny Setup, Showcase, and Server]( - [Community discussion]( --- # Share and share alike <a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.