Data X is binned into X.bin bins in x-direction and Y.bins in y-direction. The number of points in each cell is then counted. Same is done for data PX. An euclidean distance is calculated between the number of points in each cell between X and PX.
bin_dist(X, PX, lineup.dat = lineup.dat, X.bin = 5, Y.bin = 5)
a data.frame with two variables, the first two columns are used
another data.frame with two variables, the first two columns are used
lineup data so that the binning is done based on the lineup data and not the individual plots, by default lineup.dat = lineup.dat ; if one wishes to calculate the binned distance between two plots, one should use lineup.dat = NULL
number of bins on the x-direction, by default X.bin = 5
number of bins on the y-direction, by default Y.bin = 5
distance between X and PX
with(mtcars, bin_dist(data.frame(wt, mpg), data.frame(sample(wt), mpg),
lineup.dat = NULL))
#> [1] 8.485281